Year-by-Year Success Plan
The keys to academic success and acceptance to college are preparation, organization, and follow-through. Cadets learn how to set college and career goals, visit college campuses, prepare for testing, refine writing skills for application essays, and receive personal letters of recommendation from top officers, faculty, and staff.
Starting in the 9th grade, we guide students along a thorough series of milestones to maximize their chances of success.
9th Grade
Cadets entering ninth grade face new academic expectations and multiple opportunities for extracurricular involvement. This is the year to establish a strong academic foundation by taking five academic courses as well as electives in the Arts.
Cadets are encouraged to:
- Get involved in extracurricular activities
- Seek out leadership and service opportunities
- Develop their interests and promote personal growth
Freshmen and parents are invited to attend college planning meetings which are given at various closed weekends during the school year.
10th Grade
College admission representatives look closely at the academic performance in the sophomore year.
Cadets are expected to:
- Build on the academic base established in the freshman year, taking five academic courses in addition to LET
- Continue to engage in athletics, community service, clubs, and other extracurricular and co-curricular activities that build on their special strengths and interests
- Take the PSAT test (October)
- Participate in summer enrichment programs (community service projects, summer school, study abroad, etc.)
- Prepare for the SAT test
11th Grade
College admission representatives look closely at the academic performance and course rigor in the junior year. Cadets aspiring to attend a highly selective college or university should be enrolled in demanding courses which will challenge their academic abilities.
It is important to maintain a healthy balance between course-work and extracurricular activities, and therefore Cadets are encouraged to enroll in classes where they can manage their achievement.
College Counseling begins in January where cadets will attend weekly College Seminars to study each stage of the college process:
- In March, parents and juniors attend a College Information presentation to discuss the college application process and trends in competitive college admissions
- During spring break, Cadets and Parents are encouraged to visit colleges
- Cadets typically take the SAT I in March or May and the SAT II tests in May (if needed)
- Cadets may also take the ACT in February or April
12th Grade
Seniors are faced with many challenges and their ability to manage their time is tested. Seniors are encouraged to take a demanding course load; they are the leaders of the school; and they are moving through the final stage of the college application process as they finish their standardized testing and complete their college applications.
During the fall term, they continue working on applications with the Counseling Department and are encouraged to attend office hours each evening from 7-8 PM to get assistance on applications.
All Early applications need to be submitted by students by the deadline date, typically November 1 or 15. Regular decision applications need to be submitted by students by the deadline date, but are encouraged to be submitted early regardless of the deadline date.
The College Counseling Office mails all Mid-Year Reports to colleges by the end of second semester. Decision letters are usually mailed by colleges during the first week of April and students submit their enrollment deposits typically by May 1st.
We encourage you and your son to explore the resources to the right as you plan for college and career opportunities after graduation.
~ Elta W. (Parent)
“They helped my son enter the US Military Academy at West Point. The day the President of the US handed him his diploma was the best parenting day of my life. It all starts with good character and good family support. It can be done!”