Single-Gender Education Model

Boys really do learn differently, due to many biological factors. We utilize teaching techniques tailored to how boys’ brains work, learn, and become motivated to reach their full potential.

Committed to proven teaching methods designed specifically for boys and the ways that they learn best, Army and Navy Academy is one of only 16 Gurian Institute Model Schools in the nation. This designation as a leader in single-gender education demonstrates our deep understanding of boys, how they learn, engage, develop good character, and become motivated to excel.

Gurian Model Schools utilize methodologies designed specifically for the minds of girls or boys, depending on the school. Army and Navy Academy utilizes interactive, hands-on, mechanical, team-oriented, and engaging instructional techniques tailored to how boys learn, engage, connect, and become motivated to reach their full potential.

Campus Life

Stand up desks, hands on activities, interactive technology, movement, music, team-building and much more are incorporated into the classroom setting. Outside of the classroom setting, electives, clubs and sports are specifically tailored as possible to empower boys to be bold, thinking critically, moving and pushing themselves both mentally and physically.

These strategies, along with our military structure and JROTC curriculum, help boys develop value systems and leadership skills. To remain current and to share innovative applications inside and outside the classroom, Faculty, Staff, TACs, Coaches, and Administrators read, research, conduct workshops and training sessions, attend Gurian Summer Institutes, and share innovative ideas and best practices on a regular basis. 

Our credo and commitment is to be a life changer for boys — we are proud of our long history of success with single gender education, which we believe can be attributed to our unique ability to blend the science of brain-based research with the art of teaching and mentoring young men.

The Gurian Institute is an internationally recognized organization dedicated to studying the brain-based differences between boys and girls. It also trains teachers and parents to help them use those differences to help kids learn to their fullest potential.


~ Michael Gurian (Founder of Gurian Institute)

“Our boys need us now in ways they have not before. They are being raised in a very complex world and many of their support systems and developmental frameworks have crumbled. As we bring our passionate attention to boys today, and come together to nurture, support, and educate them well, we give a gift not only to them, but to our families, communities, and culture.”