- Step 2 of 7
The Health Center team is pleased to welcome your cadet back to Army and Navy Academy. Please take a moment to read this entire page, as it contains vital information pertaining to your cadet’s medical requirements for attending the Academy.
Listed requirements are mandatory for all students.
Magnus Health is used to capture, store and share your cadet’s medical history and health records in a structured way. All forms referred to below may be downloaded from the Magnus Health Portal.
Please set up filtering rules in your email to prevent Magnus emails from going to spam. This will save you time and frustration! Your initial email from Magnus will have your cadet’s username and temporary password.
Magnus also has a smartphone app that can be used from Android and Apple devices. You can download it on the Play Store or App Store.
Upon initial login, you will be prompted to set a unique password that will be used from that point forward.
- Log into Magnus as you normally would for your school. For most, this means logging into your school website and navigating to the Magnus Login button.
- Hover over your name within Magnus (top left of screen).
- Choose “Change Credentials.”
- Create a Username & Password that only you know and will remember. This username/password combination will be used as your PHR mobile app login only.
- Download the “Magnus Mobile V2” App from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store, and login using your newly created username & password.
You must upload your forms into the portal once they are completed. Please contact Magnus directly with any technical support issues regarding their app or website. They can be reached at 877.461.6831. The company is headquartered on the East Coast and their response times may vary.
You will need to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ if your cadet is international or a first-year cadet.
Tuberculosis Screening (TB) will be required for all first-year cadets and any cadet that has had temporary or permanent residence in a foreign country of greater than or equal to 30 days.
The Vital Health Record is a series of medical history questions that allow us to identify, care, and treat your cadet with the most up-to-date medical history information. This section also requires medical practitioner information and proof of active health insurance.
You will need to answer ‘yes’ or’ no’. If yes, please explain in detail. Have your medical practitioner (MD, DO, or NP) provide an Asthma Action Plan form. Provide the necessary inhalers and one (1) peak flow meter. The Health Center recommends two (2) rescue inhalers: one for the cadet to keep on his person and one to store in the Health Center. Practitioner signature required if applicable.
Please clearly state all food, environmental, and medicinal allergies. Clarify if your cadet requires an EpiPen for severe allergies. You must provide an EpiPen to the Health Center on behalf of your cadet and a second injection for the cadet to carry on his person at ALL times if he has any severe allergies. See the Medication Authorization form. Expired Epi Pens will not be accepted. Practitioner signature required if applicable.
This is highly recommended because cadets are in such close quarters with one another. ‘Yes’ or ‘no’ questions are required along with the completion of the form if ‘yes’ is chosen. Please keep in mind that if your cadet does not receive the flu vaccine and develops flulike symptoms, he will be required to recuperate off campus (at home or with a local guardian) and return with a letter of clearance from a medical practitioner, if applicable.
This form gives us permission to treat your cadet. Parent or legal guardian signature is required. Your cadet will not be allowed to remain on campus without this document signed. This form is an electronic signature in Magnus Health.
A parent or legal guardian signature will be required for this section. It is an acknowledgement and understanding of Health Center policies for the continuity of care. This form is an electronic signature in Magnus Health.
A sports physical is needed prior to your cadet’s arrival. This form must be the current year form being utilized by the Academy. It must be filled out by a medical practitioner (MD, DO, or NP). The document cannot be older than 12 months and is required annually. Arrangements must be made to renew this document if it expires during the school year. Practitioner signature required.
This form authorizes the Health Center staff to administer medications in accordance with California Education Code 49423. This form is for cadets taking prescribed and/or daily scheduled medications, including vitamins and supplements, EpiPen, and inhalers. Please read the form for exact directions. Practitioner signature required.
A parent or legal guardian signature will be required for this section. It is an acknowledgement and understanding of the Health Center and Academy policies. This form is an electronic signature in Magnus Health.
The Army and Navy Academy adheres to the immunization requirements that California state law has put in place. Please provide and upload up-to-date documentation in Magnus Health for review. Starting January 1, 2021, all new medical exemptions for school and child care entry must be issued through CAIR-ME. Parents and physicians can register and create an account in CAIR-ME.
Due to the high influx of online documents and medical review process during registration, the Health Center staff is unable to assist with scanning and uploading. Emailed or faxed documents will not be accepted in lieu of uploading into your Magnus Health account.
To prevent delays on Move-In Day, please ensure that all forms are completed prior to your cadet’s arrival on campus. ALL requirements must be submitted on the Academy forms provided by Magnus, with the exception of immunizations.

Hi, I’m Tamaris Moncrief. I am the Manager of Health Services. Let me know if you need help!

Hello! I’m Sgt Briona Partin. I am a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) and work as the Health Center Administrative Assistant. Let me know if you need help!